On The Road

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Im sitting in an internet cafe in Montreal. Today I went out for breakfast with Brendan and his family and then I spent the entire day being obsessive compulsive about the furniture arrangement in my room.
I probably wont be blogging until I get back to Toronto. But there will be pictures and clothes to post about when I return. xoxox.

update August 12, 2008

I'm back in Toronto now. I came home from Peterborough on the 4th and left for Ohio on a family vacation 2 days later. I'm back in the T dot now, and am finally ready to pay some attention to the poor neglected blog. Get ready for a slew of updates!

All I wanna do, is get back to you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

On May 2nd, my boyfriend left Montreal, to go tree planting in Northern Ontario for 2 months. We wrote to each other, spoke on the phone once a week, and I missed him like crazy. But he came home and visited me for five days in Toronto and it was so amazing. I feel too full to discuss right now - ill come back to this later!

Bangs? Thoughts? Feelings?

FULLY inspired by her:

My style inspiration of the summer. Author of sweet blog: thesnailandthecyclops.blogspot.com

Now who's with me!?


...I'm guessing from the lack of comments no one is really into it. I'm not sure either. Ill have a decision by December.

My Favorite Boys

(Dan. AJ. Gavin. Jordy. Brendan.)

Summers here and the living is easy

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I should really get a job.


Monday, July 7, 2008

I have planned my whole summer around the free Crystal Castles show at Harborfront. Well, not my whole summer. But you know - its been on the agenda for quite a while. AND fuck! It was so great.
Let me start by saying: Alice Glass is such a Rockstar. It scares me. Shes incredible.

The best image of the night was of her - balancing on the drum set with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. You just don't see shit like that anymore.

Event photographers, Shark Vs Bear attended.

They snapped a picture of the girl beside me.
Please. Someone. Raise my self esteem. Tell me, I'm a little more interesting than her? No thats mean. I'm sure she has a great personality.

lol I'm only kidding!

2008's Best

Friday, July 4, 2008

I went to Rancho Relaxo again to see Laura Barret perform. Her set was OK but the real gems of the night were Ghost Bees, the two women who performed before her.

There set was so good, I cried. Thats never happened to me before. I was totally overwhelmed by it. They are two mystical fairy's, with soft voices and romantic dresses. Ghost Bees. Their Canadian. And, in my opinion, the best new group of the year.

There not THAT bad

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Music is my Boyfriend

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I went out with my friend Ivy last night! We went to see 'The Miles' perform at Rancho Relaxo. Their music was so impressive. Those guys are on point - their music is catchy and the crowd was going crazy for them.
Ivy is a musician as well - she put out a CD last year called "Well You" that is the sweetest you've ever heard. I'm waiting on her to send me a cover of "These Arms of Mine" by Otis Redding. Her version makes me melt its so good!
We also saw 123Ten - a group of three girls who write and perform fun cheeky songs.

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