Election Fraud

Friday, September 10, 2010

I have never been one to watch a lot of TV. Until this summer, where Buffy the Vampire Slayer kept me company. Where an episode (or two or three) of How I Met Your Mother helped me to fall asleep at night. I even experimented with a Sabrina the Teenage Witch kick (It didn't last). But I don't need television to numb my thoughts anymore! I want to be inspired! And there is one show that still fulfills this need for me.

Mad Men!!! Plus, Donald Draper is a SEXY DREAMBOAT BABE.
I was truly hooked right after watching a video that Sally Jane Vintage posted, of Mad Men stylist and designer Janie Bryant taking us through the wardrobe for Season Four. The video has since been removed due to copyright (I would have loved to post it here!) but if you are interested in the show, and love vintage threads, I highly recommend hopping over to this link to watch it!

Banana Republic has teamed up with Mad Men for a casting call, giving fans an opportunity to appear on the show as an extra. I'm rooting for Hannah from Aesthetic Feast, a fellow Canadian blogger, with soem dashing photographs! She had 6,000 votes when I first saw the photo a few weeks ago. But there was some cheating going on in the competition, with very undeserving candidates getting 12,000 votes. But those folks have been booted, and now she has a fighting chance in the lead (with 10,500 votes). Click HERE, once, twice, or three times thrice if you like what you see!


Rachel said...

To change the background picture on your blog, just go to Edit HTML under the Design tab, and then scroll down until you see the section that begins <Variable name="body.background". In that section there is a place for a url of the background pic, just replace that with one of your choosing.

Hope that helps!

Jenny Morris said...

wow! so good to know! I have been wondering about this for years, thank you!

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