Running the Show

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My dear friend Jenni is an intern for Montreal based fashion designer Eve Gravel. For the past two months, she has been organizing a wicked promotion with five incredibly succesful blogger in the United States, A Thought is the Blossom, Sally Jane Vintage, Selective Potential, Lulu Letty and before the week is done, there will be a post from one of the ladies who inspired me to start a blog in the first place Liebe Marlene!


Since I'm all about winning free stuff, visit these blogger sites for a chance to win one of the Eve Gravel pieces. AND hop onto the Eve Gravel website for a chance to win a 100 dollar gift card.

Congrats to Jenni for rocking this promotion with grace (you are a fashion force - WATCH OUT!) and to the bloggers for styling the edgy, yet feminine pieces in an interesting way. I like how all of the photos have a similar feel, using golden light and middle of nowhere chic to express Eve Gravel's style. Liebe Marlene just posted her eerie photos, so you can still go on her site to try and win the magnificent dress!


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