Green Eggs and Hair

Monday, October 18, 2010

I've never dyed my hair before. But if I did, I'd want it to look something like this:

Picture 74

Image: Hanneli Street Style

I haven't had my morning coffee yet, but I wanted to put something up to say HI! I will be back later tonight with a post on Practical Weather Wear. My favorite topic!


GAZTE BAT said...

I like it!! I have never dye my hair too but I think that It´s a awesome colour to dye your hair!!
Maybe blue it´s a good colour too!!!

Jan said...

Haha so funny,
I would love to be able to dye my hair, but because I've got almost black hair... It's a pitty!
But wow green, that's quite a big step haha!

&Thanks for your lovely comment!
Yeah don't know what it's going to be, we'll see ^^

Marlena said...

Green mermaid-y hair is the best! Someday, when I have long hair again, I'm definitely gonna try this out.

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