All the City's A Stage
Friday, October 1, 2010
All the city's a stage, and all the boys and girls are merely POP-ing.
If you already know what POP Montreal is, you get a POPsicle. In case you don't, here is my explanation: For five days music venues all over the city come alive, showcasing wicked local acts (like Charlotte), small but mighty independent bands, big showstoppers, and a whole slew of fun events revolving around fashion, film, crafty joys and alas, parties. I'm especially excited for tomorrow which seems to be a combination of all of these things!
Saturday morning
After waking up and washing crusty make up off my face from the night before, I'm going to head on over to Puces Pop , Montreals largest "do it yourself festival". Camille McOuat, managed to snap me looking all crazy eyed over the independent creative goodness!
Saturday afternoon
After Puces Pop (which is a free event) I am heading over to Phonopolis Record Store to see Silly Kissers for a FREE show in the basement. FREE FREE FREE GOD I LIVE THIS CITY FREE! Since I live across the street I am having friends over after for beer and australian meat pies after!
This photo was taken by Marilis Cardinal (Right?) and can be found on Nightlife
Saturday evening
I am going to see Forest City Lovers from Toronto. They are a cute band who eat cute cupcakes. .
This photo was found on the Forest City Lover's blog.
All in a days work! Happy popping my friends!
Puces Pop Craft Fair is on Saturday and Sunday from 11 - 6 pm in the church basement on St Urbain and St. Viateur.
The Silly Kissers show at Phonoplis is on Parc between Fairmount and St Viateur. Show start at 2 and goes till about 4.
Forest City Lovers are playing at Divan Orange. I don't know what time they are playing because the POP Montreal website is very confusing!
It is physically impossible to have all the fun I want to have this weekend.
All in one day! Are you feelng the Pop love vibes too?
I always think Montreal sounds absolutely amazing!
Thanks! Its exhausting though - I'm ready to spend the next few days as a nun would!
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